Wave Bye-Bye to Wrist and Hand Pain
When you have pain in your wrist or hand, almost everything is more difficult and it’s hard to stay positive. While falling forward onto an outstretched hand is one of the leading causes of wrist and hand injuries, arthritis and carpal tunnel syndrome are right up there, too. CORA’s here to help you get better faster.

Our Certified Clincians Are Hands-on.
If you’re suffering from an injury, overuse, arthritis, or another condition, we’re here to help. While we can’t literally “give you a hand,” we can make the ones you have work better.
Wrist and Hand Pain Symptoms
- Difficulty making a fist or gripping objects
- Dropping objects
- Dull, achy pain
- Pain in the thumb
- Sudden, sharp pain in the hand
- Swelling or redness
- Swollen fingers
- Warmth in a joint
- Weakness
Wrist and Hand Pain Conditions CORA Treats:
- Amputations
- Arthritis
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Chronic regional pain syndrome
- Cubital tunnel syndrome
- DeQuervain's disease
- Diabetic neuropathy
- Dislocations
- Dupuytren’s contracture
- Fibromyalgia
- Finger conditions
- Wrist and finger fractures
- Hand deformities
- Nerve entrapment
- Kienbock’s disease
- Post-surgical
- Sprains
- Strains
- Tendinitis
- Traumatic injuries
- Trigger fingers
Treatments CORA Offers for Wrist and Hand Pain
- Functional training
- Modalities such as ice, heat, electrical stimulation, iontophoresis and ultrasound
- Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM)
- Postural exercise
- Range of motion and flexibility
- Manual therapy
- Orthotic fabrication
- Taping or bracing
- Pain management
- Desensitization techniques
- Therapeutic exercise for strengthening