Treating Bowel and Bladder/Urinary Incontinence with Compassion
This just in: incontinence isn’t inevitable as we age. And with more than 17 million Americans suffering from this condition, it’s nothing we should feel uncomfortable discussing with health care professionals. Still only 15% seek treatment. CORA thinks it’s time to change all that. Before you resort to medications and/or surgeries, give physical therapy a chance.

Stop Hiding It and Start Living.
If incontinence is keeping you from enjoying your daily activities, call CORA now. Chances are, physical therapy with a CORA specialized clinician can help you manage this embarrassing, often debilitating, not to mention expensive condition Not treating incontinence issues can even be dangerous. You could fall while hurrying to the restroom.
Incontinence Symptoms
- Leaking of urine (when laughing, coughing, sneezing or lifting something heavy)
- Bowel dysfunction
- Pelvic/rectal pain
- Sudden urge to urinate with no time to get to the bathroom
Incontinence Conditions CORA Treats:
- Stress incontinence
- Urge incontinence
- Overflow incontinence
- Functional incontinence
- Mixed incontinence
- Constipation
- Pain
Treatments CORA Offers for Incontinence
- Functional training
- Pelvic floor muscle exercises (also known as Kegel exercises)
- Modalities such as electric stimulation
- Behavior modification
- Stabilization
- Therapeutic exercise for strengthening