On this episode Jaime Sigurdsson, Director of Workers’ Compensation at CORA Physical Therapy, addresses CORA’s ongoing case management and the critical service options provided in a COVID-19 world. Care needs to continue and it’s important to problem solve with clients and patients to find alternative treatment solutions that cater to the needs of each individual. Jaime explores three options currently available to continue treatment for Work Comp claims, including:
- In-Clinic
- Telehealth
- In-Home
Communication limits isolation. Period. Listen to find out why and how CORA is living a case management model that leads the way in providing custom solutions that work best for patients and employers during this challenging time.
Learn! Grow! Enjoy! Stay healthy!
Jaime Sigurdsson Contact Information:
Personal LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jaime-sigurdsson-a9a75665/
CORA Physical Therapy Company Website: https://www.coraphysicaltherapy.com/
CORA Physical Therapy Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CORAPhysicalTherapy/