Better Hearing and Speech Month brings light to activities for children and adults affected by speech and language disorders. To commemorate Better Hearing and Speech Month, the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) runs a variety of online activities. Better Hearing and Speech Month (BHSM) is an opportunity to share information on common communication disorders. Blogs and […]
Don’t Speak, I Know What You’re Saying: How We Communicate Effectively Without Words
During Better Hearing and Speech Month, CORA Physical Therapy is celebrating the complexity of communication, even in its nonverbal, augmented or alternative forms. A raise of the eyebrows among strangers. American sign language with friends. Optikey machines that let paralyzed patients type messages with just their eyes. What does each of these things have in […]
5 Reasons Why It’s Important to Act Early If You’re Concerned About Your Child’s Development
Speech-language pathologists assess, diagnose, and treat disorders to make sure your child stays on track for happy, healthy development. Written by Caitlin McGowan, MS, CCC-SLP, CBS, Clinic Manager at CORA Daleville Pediatrics Parents are never lacking in reasons to panic about their child’s growth and development from birth through adulthood. It’s human nature to calm our […]
Communication Across The Lifespan
May is Better Hearing and Speech Month (BHSM)! For 2019, we’re aligning our efforts with the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). The theme? “Communication Across the Lifespan.” Our goal is to share the many resources available to help you celebrate all month long. Please check back for the latest materials and information on BHSM activities all […]